The party platform released by the Republican National Committee was written and edited by Donald Trump and was a pile of incomprehensible gibberish.
Politico reported:
A person familiar with Mr. Trump’s involvement said he not only edited the platform language but also wrote parts of the 15-page draft himself. The proposed new platform is significantly shorter than the party’s current one.
According to attendees at the meeting, Trump campaign representatives walked around the room holding “Vote Yes” signs while the oral vote was taking place, and a motion by anti-abortion leaders for a roll call vote was defeated. Debate was limited to one minute per speaker. One RNC member in attendance asked why Trump campaign and RNC staff were taking photos of delegates as they were voting.
Trump edited and wrote parts of the campaign platform, after which his staff went around the room taking photographs of people voting to make sure they were voting “the right way.”
None of this is normal or democratic.
The way Trump handled the platform is what a dictator would do: the members of the RNC were not given the right to construct and write their own platform; it was written for them and they were pressured to vote for it by preventing a secret ballot.
As Democrats panic about Joe Biden’s age, this is what awaits the country if the party doesn’t get past the panic and act to win the election.
The Republican Platform seems like it was written by a madman who had no idea what he was talking about, and he was.