Leverage Timothy Hutton plays Nathan “Nate” Ford, a former insurance investigator who decides to pursue justice outside the law after his company’s insurance company refuses to perform a life-saving operation on his dying son. With a new Robin Hood complex, Ford is confronted by Alec Hardison, a hacker he once pursued.Black Adam’s Aldis Hodge), thief Parker (Beth Riesgraf), muscle man Elliot Spencer (Librarian Christian Kane. Rounding out the group is con artist Sophie Deveraux (Coupling Nate’s girlfriend, played by Gina Bellman.
The characters keep you coming back for more LeverageThey all start off as a monotonous team, but they quickly gel as a team and the way each pair works so well with each other is just exquisite.When the heist goes awry and the only solution is for Elliot to “think like Hardison” and Sophie to “think like Parker,” you’ll be screaming and cheering in your living room.