The octopus may have the oldest chromosome in the animal kingdom: Scientialert
A new discovery with tacoogenom may have the oldest chromosomes of all…
Dangerous fat hidden in the body can increase the risk of your death: Scientialert
A new study shows a high risk of death or hospitalization from…
Astronomers say that a huge radio galaxy can hold 30 milky white methods: Scientialert
The huge wireless galaxy is a huge range of the universe that…
Astronomer discovers an outside planet that falls apart in space: Scientialert
Astronomer discovered two planets around two different stars succumbing to the intense…
Past monster creatures may have feasted on the prey of today’s peak: Scientialert
Biodiversity was booming not only in dinosaurs, but also in the early…
The first dinosaurs may be hidden in the most difficult place to access the earth: Scientialert
New research on the University of London and the Natural History of…