The huge wireless galaxy is a huge range of the universe that extends millions of light years, and is part of the most known structure in the universe.
However, the space is large, and despite its size, it may be difficult to find a huge wireless galaxy. It is a big deal to discover it, especially if it is a huge and unique, as it was recently discovered by the astronomer, especially as an astronomer, in South Africa.
A astronomer has reported in a new study that the newly discovered galaxy will measure from the end of 3 million light years or more, including a giant hot plasma jet aircraft blowing in the galaxy space. 。
In other words, it is more than 30 times the size of our own Milky Way Galaxy.
According to researchers, it is a mysterious thing and has an unusual qualities that contrary to a simple explanation. They decided to named them after this troublesome nature and chose two words from two van two to southern Africa.
“We were called this huge galaxy” Incaso “. It means “trouble” between Iszuru and Ishikusa. Because it was a little troublesome to understand what was going on here. ” say The first author, Cathleen Charlton, a master’s course at Cape Town University.
The wireless galaxy is already a physician that bends in mind, and the galaxy core has an ultra -high MASSIVE black hole adhered to a vast plasma jet that shines wireless frequencies. Approximately 2 million light years may be classified as a huge wireless galaxy or GRG.
However, INKATHAZO is confused even on radio galaxy standards.
“I don’t have the same characteristics as many other huge wireless galaxies.” Charlton say。 “For example, the plasma jet has an unusual shape. One of the jets is bent instead of extending straight from the end to the end.”
And the size of INKATHAZO is impressive everywhere, but it is especially surprising considering the position of Galaxy. Inkathazo is located in other galaxy clusters, has a report from Charlton and her colleagues, which will hinder such a huge jet growth.
“This is an unexpected discovery in exciting.” say KSHITIJ THORAT, co -author, co -author, as an astronomer at Pretorian University in South Africa. “Finding GRG in a cluster environment questions the role of the environmental interaction in the formation and evolution of these huge galaxies.”
Expecting the light of the Inkathazo mystery, researchers used Meerkat to create a high -resolution spectral age map of the galaxy. These can clarify the age of plasma in various areas in the galaxy, and may provide hints about what is happening there.
The map reports that some of the Incaso jets showed a surprising habit, and that something that promotes holy energy is promoting some electrons.
The author suggests that this may reflect the effects of a wider space. Instead of shooting the plasma in a relatively empty space, the jet of Inkathazo erupts into a voice between the galaxy clusters, and the interaction with hot gas may explain strange energy.

“This discovery gave me a unique opportunity to study GRG physics with extraordinary details,” said THORAT. say。 “Survey results have challenged existing models, suggesting that they have not yet understood many complex plasma physics that are acting in these extreme galaxies.”
The huge wireless galaxy, which was once considered unusual, has begun to clarify himself more frequently in recent years, and researchers are more sophisticated, more sophisticated, more sophisticated, more sophisticated than Meerkat. I say there is.
“Thanks to a strong new telescope like Meerkat, the number of GRG discoveries has definitely exploded in the past five years,” he said. say。 “GRGS research is developing rapidly, making it difficult to catch up.”
Most of the GRGs discovered so far have been discovered via the Northern Hemisphere telescope, but recent discoveries emphasize the potential treasures in the southern sky.
INKATHAZO is one of the recently identified three GRGs from one sky that uses Meerkat Telescope in South Africa. Follow the two previous discoveries described in A 2021 paper。
“The fact that we announced three GRGs by pointing to meerkat in one empty patch indicates that there is a huge treasure trove of undiscovered GRGs in the southern sky.” say Jacinta delhaize, co -author of Cape Town University.
“Meerkat is incredibly powerful and perfect, so you can clarify and learn more about them.”
This study was published Monthly notification of the Royal Astronomical Association。