Phylogenetics of the polymorphic spider genus Cybaeolus and comments on the phylogeny of the family Araneae (Arachnidae).
Phylogenetics of the polymorphic spider genus Cybaeolus and comments on the phylogeny…
About a new, little-known species of Chrysillini (Arachnidae, Salchidae) that lives in the arid regions of western South Africa
Following a rapid assessment of spider biodiversity in South Africa's arid western…
Genetic barcoding for species identification and phylogenetic estimation of ghost spiders (Arachnidae: Arachnidae: Amaurobiodinae)
Genetic barcoding for species identification and phylogenetic estimation of ghost spiders (Arachnidae:…
Spiders of Ibotiporanga (Arachnidae, Araneidae) in a semi-arid neotropical environment
Ninetinae are a group of small, short-legged phallcids that are primarily restricted…