Take Smart Home Survey.
Here at Mashable, we constantly try out the latest high-tech products so our readers can determine if they are worth it. But now we want to hear from you about the products you are using and the products you love. The first edition of the Smartest Home Readers ‘Choice Awards asks Mashable Readers about the smart home devices they use in their homes and in their daily lives.
So take a few minutes and fill us in The cleverest home survey. Your thoughts and feedback may simply grant Mashable Leader Choice Award to your favorite gadget. Plus, you’ll get a $250 Amazon gift card.
This survey will be carried out for approximately two months. Then we calculate the numbers to see what you consider to be the best smart home technology.
Masculine light speed
Input method
There are two ways to enter a prize: (1) Please fill out the online surveyor (2) enter it by email.
Survey entry: To enter prizes through online surveys, You will be redirected to the survey page The current investigation will be completed during the sweepstakes period.
Email Entry: To enter your sweepstakes by mail with a 3 x 5 inch card, print your first and last name, street address, city, state, zip code, phone number and email address. Please send the completed entries by mail as follows:
Reader’s Choice Sweepstakes – The Smartest House
C/O M. Khan
360 Park Avenue South, Floor 17
New York, New York 10010
Email entries will be consumed by March 14, 2025 and must be received by March 20, 2025. Click here for official sweepstakes rules and start and end dates for the promotion.