Revisit the classic Earth911 interview that sets an example for handling polarized conversations in 2025. It’s time to talk about climate change and social equity. Author and sustainability consultant Kevin Wilhelm wrote a valuable guide to filling in political, social and ideological cracks that prevent that debate from occurring. How to speak “the other side”: Finding a common position in the era of coronavirus, recession and climate change. A practical book filled with real-world examples of successful collaboration despite its left and right, urban and racial sectors. Wilhelm and his co-author Natalie Hoffman provide a framework for building “alliances” with those who are usually dismissed as stubborn and unthinkable opposition. Listen to this important discussion just to take away some hope for use in your life during these difficult times.

Written in the early weeks of the pandemic, the way to speak to the other side is even more connected in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and the Black Live Matter protests that began in June. He discusses the backgrounds of different factions in the climate debate and provides empathetic ideas on how to build effective connections. And among millennials, both Republican and Democrat voters say that climate change is a real and urgent issue facing our species. Wilhelm is a professor at Washington University and Harvard University. Sustainability benefits: How businesses are profitable and how to deal with climate change in an uncertain economy Other business books.
Editor’s Note: This podcast was originally released on June 22, 2020.