February 11, 2025
Ben’s new biography. Fulton Sheen pays special attention to his famous converts, but he also reveals many other interesting aspects of his life. Author Cheryl Hughes joins in and is surprised at the way Sheen evangelizes, his outstanding TV presence, his lifelong struggle with vanity and ambition, and the abuse he suffered from from his rival Cardinal Spellman. We will discuss a direct evangelization method.
Cheryl CD fuse, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: Convert Maker https://ignatius.com/archbishop-fulton-j-sheen-afsp/
Thomas’ review of the Biography of Cheryl of St. Catherine Drexel https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/st-katharine-drexel-hows-how-spiritual-poverty-nsubmission-to-providence-go-hand-inhand/
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