youbet is back with a new single ‘rejection’. A taste of new music from the Nick Llobet-led project began last year. way of beingand it’s refreshingly fuzzed out. Listen below.
“Usually songs on youbet start with nylon strings, but this time I was inspired to write it with an electric guitar,” Llobet explained in a press release. “While driving around last spring, we listened to a lot of Polvo, Autotrax, and Boris, just to name a few. ‘Deny’ was written last April after returning home from supporting Mary Timoney on tour. Ta. I wanted to create a song that captured the energy of that time. In this way, the tour is a great learning experience. Being in front of a new audience this past year has allowed us to develop a new sound. We saved up energy. This song can be described as an experiment in exploring new stylistic territory. “Deny” is a bridge because a lot of the new songs we’re writing live in this world. ”
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