I put the Grammy Award at work …
So I’m back to performance !!!
The major beef ended on Sunday of the Grammy Awards … not between the two artists, but between the artists and the academy -’cause weeknd I’m back to the folds of the Grammy Awards.
Harvey Mason Jr. -Recoding Academy CEO -I stepped up to talk about all the changes I have been implementing in the past four years … The week has been called the Academy for lack of transparency.
Remember … In 2020, a very popular truck that rose to the top of the Chart’s song “Blinding Lights” was not nominated for the 2021 Grammy Award.
I went to the Academy for the week … he said I will not attend 2021 show -quoted the “Secret Committee” that he believed he was choosing a candidate.
At that time, Mason said that the Grammy Award was constantly evolving … but the week has been boycotted for years and refused to submit his music for one of the trophies. 。
Now, Mason says he is highly evaluating his criticism … and the recording Academy has been working to make the Grammy award more transparent.
After that, the star walked on the stage and played two songs, “Cry for me” and “Harbless”.
So he is allowed to be a recording academy, and he seems to be grateful for all the job they performed to change the system for voting … or this year’s ceremony supported. You may have simply wanted to support the efforts of the fire rescue.
After all … I have a week Millions of people were raised For rescue activities -and his performance in the show may help to increase more.
Regardless of the reason … the boycott of the Weekn was officially over -and the Academy was clearly happy.