Updated geographical distribution of Simon family (from Brazil, 1889) (Araneidae: Mygalomorphae)
The spiders of the family Barricellidae, the sister group of the veterinary family, are mainly concentrated in the southern hemisphere. In the Neotropics, the Barricheridae is represented by five genera found in Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Muscovy spiders are known for their sedentary behavior, spending most of their lives in burrows made of hinged trapdoors made of silk and earth. This habit, and the difficulty of identifying and locating camouflaged burrows, make specimens difficult to obtain and obscure the true diversity of this group. Examination of a large number of specimens from different zoological collections allowed us to add 95 new records and expand the distribution of spiders of the family Barricidae. In addition to the geographic data from the collected materials, we were able to find 56 iNaturalist observations of the brown spider, 29 of which were in unpublished locations, for a total of 124 new records in Brazil. Ta. Overall, the expanding geographical distribution of Barricellidae spiders in Brazil has revealed remarkable diversity, with numerous species covering different habitats. This distribution map provides valuable information for the study of population fluctuations and evolutionary relationships and is useful for biogeographical studies of Barricellidae.
González Filho, Hector Manuel, Pedro Costa, Jean de Paiva, Jose Paulo Guadagnucci. 2025. “Updated Geographical Distribution of Barricellidae Simonidae from Brazil, 1889 (Araneidae: Mygalomorphae).” Boletim Do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi – Ciências Naturais 19(3), 1-16. https://boletimcn.museu-goeldi.br/bcnaturais/article/view/1009