Brett Stevens: “Never Trumpers also exaggerated our claims and in doing so defeated our purpose.”
“We warned that Mr. Trump would be a reckless president, potentially drawing us into World War III. Rather, the foreign policy of his first term was, in fact, cautious to its faults.” We often hyperventilated about our strange friendship with President Vladimir Putin. But the collusion allegations are a stain on President Trump’s Russia policy, whether it’s opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline or secret aid to Ukraine. (up until the invasion) was much tougher than President Biden. ”
“We predicted that Mr. Trump’s rhetoric would destroy the Republican Party’s chances of capturing districts that it had seen as key to its future after 2012. But we predicted that Mr. The working-class appeal of the Latino men who voted for him last month And we were concerned about President Trump’s protectionist and big-spending practices, at least because of the pandemic. Until then, the economy mainly flourished under him.
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