Strain of the highland tarantula Hapalotremus Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Teratology: Veterinary) Description of a new species
A phylogenetic analysis of highland tarantulas of the genus Haparotolemus was performed for the first time using a matrix of 21 taxa and 69 morphological characters, using both equal and implicit weights. Sensitivity analysis resulted in two consistent topologies with concavity = 10.541. Both phylogenies suggest that Hapalotremus is monophyletic. Hapalotremus synpomorphies are females with a sperm sac consisting of a single oval receptacle and a very short tibia on the male’s first leg. Hapalotremus consists of 15 species, including a new species, Hapalotremus munaycha sp. In November, this new species was found to be a sister species to H. vilcanota and is distributed at an altitude of about 4,000 meters in the inter-Andean valleys of central Peru. This new species distinguishes itself from the genus by the strong white color of its legs, carapace, and chelicerae, as well as by its male palmar with a slightly developed lateral epikeel and a subapical keel ending in two very small teeth. Distinguished from other known species. Also, females of Hapalotremus munaycha sp. November Characterized by seminal vesicles with a very wide base and a small upwardly directed apical process.