I shared the version of this recipe, which uses each “green” individually, but this production is definitely my favorite way to enjoy the bug. I used the planned cod, (Salt fish) When preparing this dish, you can omit it to make it completely vegan or vegetarian methods.

What you need …
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 cup of salty fish prepared (Cod or sketudara)
1 Scotch Bonnet Pepper
3-4 peppers (Seasoning pepper)
Malabar spinach 1/2 pound (Washed, roughly chopped)
Pakchoi 2-3 pounds (Washed, roughly chopped)
1 pound of spinach (Washed, roughly chopped)
Swiss Chard 1 pound (Washed, roughly chopped)
1 onion large (slice)
Garlic 10-12 pieces (Broken)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
1 cup of coconut milk
Notes! The details of the recipe are described in the video, so please follow the video. In particular, we will explain how to wash ingredients, why the stems and stems are divided from green leaves, and why salted cod must be prepared in advance. To make this dish gluten -free, check all the lists of the ingredients and make sure they meet specific gluten -free dietary requirements.

As described in the video, wash and prepare various vegetables used.

The stems are separate.

Heat the oil over medium heat in a deep pot and put the prepared salt. See this video for how to remove and return the excess salt of salt dried. Cook for 3-4 minutes, take out with a hole spoon, and use it to use later.

Put the onion in the same pot, fry for about 3 minutes, and add the scotch bonnet. (option)Peppers, garlic, black pepper. Reduce the heat to medium low heat and cook for 3 minutes.

At this point, add the Swiss Chard and Jungen Rice stems, turn the fire back to medium heat, and stir well. Next, add coconut milk and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Add all vegetables to the pot during the medium heat. Even if you don’t see it at first, they fit. Cover and cook on low heat for about 15 minutes.

Remove the lid, add salt and heat to high heat. The goal is to burn all the liquids that should have germinated naturally.

After 7 minutes, add the salted cod that you prepared earlier and stir well. Continue cooking until the oil is visible (The rest of the first and coconut milk)。

Taste and adjust the salt according to your taste, and determine the “dryness” of the finished dish. If you are satisfied, delete the stove and enjoy it.

Some people may not be a “beautiful” dish, but the overall flavor is fun. In addition to hot rice, my favorite way to enjoy this bugy dish is to add Sada Roti and Lime Pepper sauce.