Middle -aged is when you can know the joints. In recent years, I have learned that many of my youthful party tricks (with the sockets whimsical and bent their elbows backwards) have a painful long -term result. The incomplete skeleton sports with a high impact of 20 years have also been sacrificed.
I am now clenching my teeth through small movements assigned by physiotherapy, and I am trying to save these things that I can bend, twist, and move around. It is a small joint that is not only a skeleton famous celebrity (waist, knee and shoulder) that shouts to us when accumulating the mileage. A vertebral plate that can be described between them. A joint between the teeth. Even the joint at the forefront of the pelvis never thinks unless most people give birth or hit in sports. The points of these movements are hard on arthritis. The bones begin to crush each other. The movements used now were causing only the pressure or causing them.
It’s easy to blame the joint itself. weak. old. Collapse. We have been betrayed by the joint. However, joints are a sign of anatomical victory. Since they bend, we will not break.
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These points where two parts of the skeleton meet were very indispensable for movement, and they came up with at least twice. Desert Animal -Crabs and Cockroaches have developed their own version: their joints Exo sales that enable these creatures to bend And scuttle. Our production -internal skeleton -is probably as a bone scale, as well as the outside of the body of ancient creatures. Our spinal cord, what to make our strings, get a segmented Bonnie Coat around 42 million years ago. Current modern vertebraes are nothing but A Mountain of 25 joints (Or 26 or 24 if you happen to have one vertebrae). The bones are piled up on each other and are separated by sponge -like cartilage called discs. We had a uniformly lubricated joint Raw from the sea。 Heck would not have crawled in the first place without them. The joints have been modified to skitter, thrizers, climbing and running insects and animals. Even flying. Without a solid bone and a joint between them, it will not eliminate gravity.
The joints are more than the bones in another bone. Most of the joints include union tissue, cartilage, brosus, or the flat sac of liquid. They use cushions to lubricate, helping to bend our bodies easily, quickly, without sounding like a rusted door. A joint that doesn’t bend still needs this cushion. Even if the specific joint does not help the backbend, the sac between the joints and each can withstand pressure by changing the skeleton.
Many joints go almost without being noticed. For example, it may seem like an adult teeth should not move around with a jaw socket. However, in fact, these dental alveoli cycles (technical stories about small ligament joints between teeth and jaw sockets) are always moving. They have a mechanical receptor-Hearing movements -This processes a small vibration that informs the texture of food. The larger tooth movement, and sometimes the impact, the final warning system that needs to fire the nut first. Thank you later for your unbalanced teeth.
Our legs balance the balance of large load into two incredibly small points, and they are not just standing, points, arches, bending and bending. The flexibility is for the following 26 different bones And all joints between them make up the ankle and legs. It is an advanced job, and we adapt to our ancestors’ flexible tree -squeezing feet to the paved throbbing models used today.
In contrast, the pelvic girdle looks like a fairly continuous bone ring. However, it is three bones on both sides, Ilium, iSchium, pubic bone. Behind, the pelvic girdle joins the sacrum at the foot of the spine. But there is a joint in front, Pubic system。 This joint can move a little as an adult. But what you really do helps you distribute your weight and absorb shocks with your upper body weight. This joint divides its mass on its lump. For those who give birth, this joint becomes softer and more flexible. It bends, stretches, and stretches. Create extra space for the baby to pass the birth canal. Then, most of the time, it returns to normal.
The joint is essential to how we experience the world, and we believe it is a matter of course. Arthritis and painful chronic swelling often come with age and sneak up in the joints between the bones. Brassae becomes inflamed and becomes bulb. Crush food for decades and blow your teeth. For many years and walking, we take out spring from our steps and shatter the pelvis and spine joints with childbirth.
Along with age, the intervertebral disc is compressed with the weight of the year and weight. They may swell in the space between the vertebra itself, push the roots of the nerve, and it may be a hernia disc. The spine is not only our youthful and unusual weight, but also an advanced fate. When our ancestors were upright, we asked many vertebrae. The hard spine could not be against physics and could not stand straight, And it’s bent。 We have acquired the lumbar spine OSIS. Unfortunately, the curve has pressure on our upper body. When sitting, our lumbar spine It is applying a load in between 100-175 kilograms (220-385 pounds). When standing, it is 90-120 kilograms (198-264 pounds). Nevertheless, our discs are cheerful- Correspondence to exercise。
When we think about the strength of the body, we think about things that break or torn only with long bones, muscles, and the worst pressure. In contrast, joints seem to be weak because they give way before the bones exist. But their flexibility is our defense. All strange teeth movements are a sensation and can avoid broken teeth. All shifts on the waist are the time when they did not break. Each step or lifted weight applies pressure to the bone joints, and the joints gently give the road. The joint reminds me that flexibility is strong.
This is an article on opinions and analysis, and the views expressed by the author and the author are not always Scientific American.