Today’s guest is reason Brian Doherty, a senior editor who just released Modern Liberalism: A short history of classical liberalism in the United States. His Previous book include Capitalist extremiststhe essential history of the libertarian movement, and titles covering the Ron Paul Revolution, Gun Rights, The Burning Man and underground comics.
Modern liberalism We analyze the political and cultural heritage of figures such as Ludwig Von Mises, FA Hayek, Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, and Barry Goldwater. Doherty speaks reasonNick Gillespie about Ain Rand and two other women who helped conceptualize libertarian thinking, namely Wilder Lane and Isabel Patterson. Doherty and Gillespie will also discuss how libertarians have led, if often underrated, lead in the fight for free speech, international trade, immigration, deregulation, drug legalization and lifestyle liberation.
The interview was documented at The Reason Speakeasy, a live monthly event in New York City that doubles as live taping for the podcast. For more information about upcoming events, please see Go here.
1:59 – New Book: Modern liberalism
3:26 – With Isabelle Patterson The God of Machines
5:14 – Rose Wildar Lane and Libertarian Roots Small house on the prairie
9:59 – How did libertarianism become dominant by men?
18:08 – Ayn Rand
26:15 – Is the Trump administration libertarian?
29:17 – Robert Lefebe and Murray Rothbird’s Thoughts on Email and Violence
34:14 – His unlikely connection to Kelly Thornley and Lee Harvey Oswald
39:19 – Barry Goldwater’s impact on libertarianism
47:00 – The rise in respect for libertarianism
48:17 – Libertarianism is neither conservative nor reactionary
52:27 – Libertarian Party
55:00 – Kato Research Institute
56:16 – The victory of libertarianism
58:00 – Burning Man