Tag: discovers

Astronomer discovers an outside planet that falls apart in space: Scientialert

Astronomer discovered two planets around two different stars succumbing to the intense…

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An accidental paleontologist discovers a mastodon jaw in his backyard

It's common to encounter weeds around your backyard plants. But what about…

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Amateur discovers largest known prime number, and it’s huge: ScienceAlert

relative newcomer Excellent Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) broke a six-year drought…

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AI discovers hundreds of ancient Nazca paintings in the Peruvian desert

A 22-metre long painting of a killer whale holding a knifeMasato Sakai…

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Hubble Telescope discovers glowing ‘cosmic fossil’ 3 million light years away (photo)

The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered an isolated cosmic fossil that may…

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JWST discovers six starless rogue planets: ScienceAlert

We think of planets as essentially trapped children of their host stars.However,…

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James Webb Space Telescope discovers shock wave near supermassive black hole (image)

Astronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to image the structure…

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