Tag: Authority

The DC circuit refuses to reconsider the decision, and the CEQ lacks the authority to issue Nepa regulations.

Last November, Indian Marin Audubon Societyv. Federalavigation AdministrationThe Panel divided by the…

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Catholic Culture Podcast: Episode 48 – Authority and Submission as Gifts in Christian Marriage

August 21, 2019“Wives, submit to your husbands as you submit to the…

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Catholic Culture Podcast: Episode 56 – Validating Authority

November 26, 2019Modern times have attempted to abolish authority. This is most…

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Authority in marriage, anti-liberalism, shoulder blades, etc.

November 23, 2021This episode includes clips of highlights from episodes 45 and…

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Curtis Bradley’s guest blog “Historical Gloss and Diplomacy: Constitutional Authority in Practice”

I'm glad to report that Professor Curtis A. Bradley (Chicago) I'll be…

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