Scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones) are a diverse and widespread order of arachnids with a rich and deep fossil record. Here we review the historical and sometimes complex development of the superclassification of scorpion fossils. Chronological explanations of family and genus names and an overview of higher taxa that may serve as clade names are provided. In 1884, Trell and Lindström classified scorpions based on whether their legs were short and pointed (exopods) or ended in a pair of claws (dionicopods). Pocock used the ventral mesosomal scleral morphology in 1911. This morphology can be either bilobal (lobostani) or modern (orthostani). Petrunkevitch in 1949 gave importance to the presence (Protoscorpionina) or absence (Euscorpionina) of the putative first opisthosome tergit. Kjellesvig-Waering in 1986 recognized four major groups (Holosternina, Meristosternina, Lobosternina, Bilobosternina) based on the shape of the ventral mesosomal sclera. The Stockwell/Jerram Project of the 1980s and 1990s proposed a cladistic progression to Scorpions from an earlier divergent lineage in which the names Protoscorpines and Paleoscorpines were used. strict meaning Defined by the presence of the main lungs and hip joints. The order Scorpionales was further divided into Mesoscorpionina and Neoscorpionina. Neoscorpions are characterized by a small number of lateral lenses, and consist of a paleococcyge with a pneumococcyx on the margin and a prococcyge with a spiracle in the center of the sternum. We briefly discuss the advantages of these alternatives and provide an overview of the current top classifications of scorpions. Currently, 43 extinct family groups have been identified, and 7 of the 24 extant families have fossil representatives. include insert sedis The taxonomic group includes 76 extinct genera and 5 extant genera with fossil representation. Both modern parvadas, Butida and Iulida, may have existed during the Triassic period. Buthidae, Chaerilidae, Chactidae, and possibly Hormuridae have been reported from the Cretaceous. The Euscorpidae has been known since the Paleogene, and the Scorpidae has possible (but unconfirmed) records from the Neogene. Given the complexity of this history and the current classification of the group, we hope that this contribution will be a first step towards simplifying the phylogenetic system of fossil scorpions.
Dunlop JA, Garwood RJ. 2024. A review of the advanced systematics of fossil scorpions. PeerJ 12:e18557