A resolution to become a better recycler is a great New Year’s resolution. However, there are steps you can take before recycling. In fact, this step reduces the amount of recycling you have to worry about. It’s called pre-cycling. By pre-recycling, you can spend less and reduce your impact on the planet.
What is pre-recycling?
Pre-recycling is a method of preventing trash from being thrown out before it becomes trash. Before making a purchase, you should think carefully about the waste created by the product you purchase. Is the product made from recycled materials? Is the product recyclable? How much packaging material is there? Is the packaging recyclable? And is this product really necessary? Is there anything that can be reused or recycled instead?
Considering these questions before purchasing will pave the way to an effective purchase. precycling.
Instead of thinking of pre-recycling as “buying less,” think of it as “shopping smarter.” For decades, manufacturers have distracted people from thinking about the waste they produce by emphasizing the benefits of “single-use” products. As we become more aware of the environmental impact of what we buy, we don’t have to stop shopping, but we do need to shop smarter.
Easy way to recycle
example Easy precycling procedure including bringing your own reusable bags Avoid single-use paper and plastic bags and go to the grocery store to reduce purchases of single-use products. Please consider purchasing reusable razor Not disposable, cloth towel and napkin Instead of paper that you use once and then throw away.
Recycling is also important when making large purchases such as home appliances or a car. Can I recycle my product at the end of its useful life? Is it manufactured with minimal impact on the environment? And does the manufacturer agree to take back the materials if the product is no longer usable? Search Producer’s responsibility Be informed at the time of purchase and understand whether the manufacturer will responsibly dispose of the product and its packaging at the end of its useful life.
Your purchasing choices influence the manufacturer
Pre-recycling is circular economywhere materials flow through many lifetimes as recycled products. Expressing your preference before recycling also sets standards that companies must meet to earn your pocket money.
By combining careful recycling efforts with recycling the reduced waste produced, the two forces can significantly reduce the amount of waste produced by households.
Editor’s note: This article was originally published on January 17, 2019 and updated in January 2025.