Labor Party members said they were calling for the ban on the “bottom troll” on the seabed of the marine protection area (MPA), destroying vulnerable ecosystems and habitats.
Katie White compared the bottom trolls. This is an act of dragging heavy nets into the seabed, and the act of “ripping the orchard to choose apple”.
According to the Lize No Swest MP, one or two trolls can destroy the area for up to five years, and only 5 % of the UK ocean protection areas prohibit this “destructive” practice.
Commons states that Ms. White states that the Marine Corps protection area (bottom troll) bill, which proposes to prohibit the bottom trolls in the ocean, will provide an opportunity for a “fairer and environmentally friendly future”. Ta.
White used to work for the Charity Friends of the Earth before, during that time she co -led a campaign for the Climate Change Law passed in 2008.
In January, she told the parliament that “Our sea health is not only a coastal constituency problem, but a national responsibility,” and the ecosystem was “Our economy and community, especially me. It is essential for our essential fisheries. “
She claimed:
“In unfamiliar destructive bottom trolls, you can drag heavy net and metal processing on the seabed and destroy vulnerable ecosystems and habitats that will recover for decades or centuries for decades. Included.
“Because the members of the fellow put it very appropriately, it is like ripping the orchard and choosing apples. In this area, one or two trolls can destroy the seabed for up to five years. Surprisingly, this is currently happening in a zone that we have designated to protect and recover biodiversity.
“My bill is based on the previous work to ban this practice. At present, only 5 % of the British marine protective areas prohibit this destructive practice.”
Mr. White stated that a small fishing business was “suffering” for the bottom troll and called for more powerful protection.
She continued. “Let’s make it clear. It is not a hard -working British fisherman who drags a heavy net on the seabed and destroys the delicate ecosystem.
“The culprit is an industrial -scale business and a superste roller that prioritizes profits over sustainability, and our own small fishermen stand on their actions.
“This is David vs. Golite. This is a battle to protect the blood of our coastal community from the destructive force of the industrial fisheries giant.
“In 2023, 10 fishing boats, more than 20 meters, were responsible for more than a quarter of the destructive bottom troll. All 10 ships were from the UK. Not.
Mr. White states that the lime bay where the bottom troll is partially prohibited is a “living evidence” that can be recovered, and that the coral reefs are reconstructed and the number of scallops is increasing. Ta.
She added as follows. “The implementation of this bill is a matter of common sense for all of us who rely on the small fisheries of this country, wildlife in the marine protective area, and healthy planets.”
The bill was described in the second reading on Friday, June 20, but was not a law due to lack of time in Congress.
This author
Rhiannon James is a PA political reporter.