of The New York Times review All in the Family by Fred Trump, nephew of the former president.
“Fred Trump’s son was born with a rare disease that led to developmental and intellectual disabilities. His medical expenses were paid for in part by family assistance. After Trump was elected, Fred Trump wanted to use his connections to the White House for good. With the help of his cousin Ivanka Trump and then-Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, he was able to convene a group of supporters to meet with his uncle…”
“After the meeting, Fred Trump claims, his uncle called him and said, ‘Given their circumstances and the cost, these people might be better off dead.'”
“According to Fred Trump, this wasn’t a one-time thing. Years later, when the health care fund paying for his son’s medical expenses was running out of money, Fred asked his uncle for help. Fred Trump claims his uncle replied, ‘I don’t know. He doesn’t know you. Maybe we should just let him die and move to Florida.'”
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