Jonathan Bernstein: “Another thing worth emphasizing as these stories emerge is that there are now almost certainly partisan differences, and that Republican politicians are more likely to be accused of criminal activity or other heinous acts, or (Some empirical support can be found through research) here, here and here). ”
“That never used to be the case, and I don’t think Republicans or conservatives are any more likely to be like that than Democrats. But what has changed is the incentive structure. It used to be that both parties had the potential to weed out bad actors. Republicans are now far more likely to condone, and in some cases even celebrate, actions they would have avoided before.”
“The most famous of these, of course, is Donald Trump — both for his own misdeeds and for condoning the misdeeds of others. For example, the Democratic president-elect has been accused of It is simply inconceivable that a Democratic senator would continue to nominate and support the person who caused the accusations. There will be resignations.”
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