At the level of the U.S. government than education, there may not be a problem with discussion. I would like to be completely exposed to all communities on the social and economic and cultural faults lines in debate over funds, curriculum, districts. However, there are rarely discussions on educational policies at the recent level.
You do not hear the main political candidates who give a focus on education. The moderator of the discussion does not ask much about it. The US founder’s own thoughts on this subject are sometimes quoted, but only passes on the latest lecture on war and wealth. Apart from the proposals that have been rejected if they are too radical, education is mainly considered to be a lower priority for national leaders, or to a very charged discussion on political and social anxiety on university campuses. It is.
This situation seems strange for students of political philosophy. From all major political thinkers- Plato On John Rock On John Stuart Mill-There are written letters, papers, and even major works on the central role of education. One modern political thinker, linguist, anakist, retired MIT Nome Chomsky-I also devote and have a lot of ideas to education Forced him to criticize what he regarded as a corporate attack on the institution。
However, Chomsky is not interested in using education to support the government and the market economy. In addition, education is not considered tools to correct historical mistakes, secure middle -class jobs, and to meet other agendas.
The idea of ​​education we have introduced earlier is a short video interview at the top of the post, in a way to define the meaning of being truly educated. And to do so, he returns to a philosopher who does not think he will be referenced frequently, Wilhelm von HumboldtGerman humanist, friend Goethe and SilverAnd, “founder of modern high education system.” Fumbold is “the ability to create a fulfilling human core and requirements for constructed independently without external control. He claimed that he claimed. ” Chomsky suggests that the true education has opened door to human intellectual freedom and creative autonomy.
To clarify, Chomsky paraphrases a “major physicist” and a former MIT colleague. It’s what you are discover. “Given this point of view, the truly educated means that you are wid -hearted, and that if it is appropriate, you can question standard doctrine. It means. That means “find your own way”. This definition resembles Nietzsche’s views, but Nietzsche had little hope for very many people who were receiving true education. As you might imagine, Chom skiing progresses with a much democratic spirit.
In the above interviews in 2013 (see the second video), he discusses why he gave his life not only to his paid students, but also to educate him almost to educate him. You can hear. He also talked about his own education and further elucidates his views on education, creativity, and critical surveys. And in the first few minutes, you can see if Chomsky prefers George Owell’s preference. 1984 Or Aldous HUXLEY’S Brave New World。 (Hint: Neither.)
Note: The previous version of this post was published on our site in 2016.
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Josh Jones A writer and musician based in Dalam, North Carolina. Please follow him @jdmagness