Neil DeGras Tyson Maybe he’s not a film critic. But if you see The above video From his YouTube Channel Startalk Plus, he discovers that he loves good science fiction films to him, to use one of his own favorite places. Given his professional qualifications as an astrophysicist and his prominent profile as a science communicator, it is not surprising that he exhibits a certain sensitivity to the film’s departure from scientific facts. His personal low watermark on that rubric is Disney Production in 1979 Black Holemoving to declare, “I don’t think there’s any visible physicists in scenes that were scripted, prepared, or filmed for this film.”
As for Tyson’s “best movie of all time”, it’s matrixdespite how the human concept at the heart of that plot violates the laws of thermodynamics. (Over time, that particular choice has been revealed as a classic example of interference by studio executives. They have the original script that the audience is used for distributed computing. I thought I didn’t understand the concept of matrix You receive Tyson’s highest grade, S. Martians“The most scientifically accurate film I’ve ever witnessed” since 2015 – the low air density except for the dust storm that covers the protagonist on Mars, making it the best “serene wind” It means that you can even feel the wind.
Tyson might expect to drill this kind of hole in every sci-fi movie he’s watching, regardless of Schlocky. And certainly he does, but also does not show healthy respect for the fun of the film. Even Michael Bay is infamously stupid ArmageddonThat oil driller was oc-raped on set by Starben Affleck and received a gentleman’s C, but “the laws of physics per minute violate more than any other film ever made,” Tyson said. I’m defeated by Roland Emmerich Moonfall), “I don’t care that I violated the laws of physics. For a more scientifically respectable alternative, consider Mimi Leder’s alternative. Deep shockIt is not well known among the glasses of the two Hollywood asteroid disasters of 1998.
If you’re thinking of holding a Tyson-approved sci-fi film festival at home, I’d like to include you too. A quiet earth, Terminator, Return to the future, contactand gravityNot to mention classics from the 1950s The day the earth was standing still and Blob. But whatever else you screen, the experience will be incomplete 2001: Space OdysseyStanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clark’s joint human vision in the universe. “Are I using LSD or is it an LSD movie?” he asks. “One of us is taking part in LSD for the final 20 minutes of the film.” But “What’s important is how much this film has impacted everything. all – And how much attention they paid attention to the details. “If you’ve seen it before 2001 Previously, we enter into it with an open mind and endure the fact that, as Tyson emphasizes, was made a year before we reached the moon.
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Based in Seoul Colin marshall Write and broadcasting stationTS about cities, languages, and culture. His projects include the Substack Newsletter Books about cities And the book The Stateless City: Walking through 21st century Los Angeles. Follow him on social networks previously known as Twitter @colinmarshall.