Masuma Dream World, the experimental project led by Devi Mambuka, has released a new album titled “ Please come. Sequel to 2020 debut play at night Arrives on February 21st via valley of search. This includes the previously released single “Ancient DNA” and the title track is now out. Check out the cover artwork and tracklist below.
The new single, Mambuka explained, is her “calling for my mother in the darkness of this existence, longing for her to come to me.” Furthermore, she added: “In the darkest corners of loneliness, pain, and despair, my cry for my mother echoed into the depths. Instead of succumbing to the void, I was discovered by the goddess, and I was the last to try to escape this coil of death. It saved me from trying.”
Please come Cover artwork:
Please come Track list:
1. Just a wish
2. Hell’s Bells
3. Pordeno Me
4. Seek your protection
5. Please come
6. O Mother of Darkness
7. Ancient DNA
8. The island where the goddess lives
9. What if it were true?
10. The Last Poet
11. Without a body