So while you’d think Kit Harington would be pretty bummed about his Marvel future disappearing, the actor seems relatively optimistic overall: In a recent interview, he “joked” that he was obligated to take up Marvel’s offer, because they had opened the door for him, and he felt obligated to do so.
To be honest, I don’t think this is a joke and I think this might be the reason for the failure. Eternals And other Marvel bombs.
So it’s kind of an open secret that being in the MCU is a dead-end job in modern Hollywood, where talented actors can earn huge paychecks with very little work.
If you really wanted to, you could make double the profits by appearing at comic conventions around the world, signing autographs and selling merchandise for a hefty fee.
It was a pretty good job, and back when each of these films was expected to be a blockbuster, it was a win-win: over a decade of decent roles I wasn’t passionate about in exchange for huge paychecks.