Lauren SanchezFormer yoga instructor pulls taylor swift by spinning her riffs jeff bezos“My fiancé is into art… They dropped a new children’s book that seemed to be attacking reporters.
nearby sources Alana Zabel — Yoga teacher sued for allegedly stealing Lauren’s book idea — told TMZ … Amid ongoing feud, Lauren has announced her new children’s book, “Sticky the Fly’s Web of Lies.” He said that he is channeling Lauren with the publication of .
Remember, Alana is the main character in Lauren’s book. a lawsuit was filed — The title is “The fly that flew into space” — This one was also about insects…so it’s hard to miss the initial similarities.
You can read most of this book on Zabel’s website…but the basic takeaways are: Sticky Fly is a fly that roams around the kingdom stealing from other insects and eventually has to apologize for all the lies. Sources say Sticky Fly is based on LS here…the character takes credit for other people’s efforts, much like Alana blamed Lauren.
It’s been said that the Azura the Spider character is supposed to be Alana…because the character falls victim to Sticky Fly’s lies.
Obviously, Lauren’s name is never dropped here…but the similarities between this book and the developing feud are pretty undeniable.
It’s unclear if Lauren and Alana have had any contact since the drama first broke, but yoga instructor Alana was reportedly “devastated” by the betrayal, which is why she shared her story. He says he is prepared to do so.
Still, it’s worth noting that there are more than a dozen other children’s books published this year whose main characters are insects or go to space. So it may actually have just been parallel thinking.
But Alana certainly made lemonade out of the lemons in this situation!