A few days after its release, British shop owner Donati spoke to BBC News about the novel’s instant popularity. “We initially ordered 1,000 pieces,” he said. “Of course we had every hope of getting them, but the event cut it in half. We received 500 copies. We were open pretty early, from 5 to 9 p.m. But I have to imagine it sold 50 to 60 copies.” [copies] I think I’ll have to wait at least 3 weeks… [for another stock]. ”
Still, traditional British reserves did not disappear overnight. One bookseller told the BBC that many customers were too embarrassed to ask for the name of the scandalous novel. “Some ask for Lady C, others only give 3 and 6 [three shilling and sixpence]As the reporter put it, “It’s quite different from selling ordinary books.” But at the time, Lady Chatterley’s Lover was no ordinary book. Once published in full, it will become a symbol of freedom of expression and a symbol of British culture. The poet’s landscape was changing. philip larkin His poem Anus Mirabilis expresses its importance as follows:
“The sexual act has begun.
in 1963
(It was quite slow for me) –
Until the end of the Chatterley ban
It was the Beatles’ first LP. ”
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