Net income was 339 rupees in the quarter, compared to the 716 rupee of the previous year.
Banks had a decline in profits due to the stress of the Microfinan sportfolio, 4.8 % of the 2.31 thousand lupiges.
“Profits were mainly influenced by the deceleration of microfinance loan payments, increasing the number of microfinance clause and the decrease in income due to the increase in credit costs for non -dependent companies,” said the bank. 。
The quarterly provisions were 1,338 rupees compared to the 655 rupees in the quarter of the AGO, which was promoted by the higher slippage of the microfinance book. Banks have stated that the provisions of non -addiction portfolios are stable.
“In consideration of the industry’s situation, we are closely tracking microfinance loan books … Microfin Sense’s credit is a highly likely transition problem that will be resolved within a few quarters.” A statement. Bank’s operating profit in the quarter was 13 % higher in 1759 rupees, compared to 1563 crawls a year ago. The net interest income was 6.04 % of the 4,902 interest margins in the quarter of the previous quarter of 6.18 %.
As of December 31, 2024, its total bad asset ratio worsened to 1.94 %, one year ago. Pure NPA was 0.52 % compared to 0.68 %. Except for the microfinance business, GNPA was 1.81 %.
Bank loans and progress have increased to 2.31 thousands of lupies at the end of December, 22 % year -on -year. The deposit increased by 29 % and grew from 2.27 rupees, maintaining low -cost current and savings account ratio at 48 %.