In 1997, Jeanne Calment died at the age of 122 and set a record of the longest recorded time living. So far, no one has broken this record.
However, even before the calent, in the 20th century, the last fundamental expansion of the human life so far, and the “Longeva Revolution” is called “Longeva Revolution” by rapidly increasing the possibility of some researchers. I created it. The average life expectancy is mainly due to the improvement of medical and public health measures It is no longer capped to be capped less than 50。
By the way, as we follow our path throughout the 21st century, the problem is whether we can live longer. how Longer.
Is there a life limit?
According to Natalia Gabrylova, a senior researcher at the University of Chicago University and Economics Center, most scientists believed that in the 1990s, when the calent was still alive, that humans were approaching the hypothetical limit. 。
However, when Gavrilova and her co -author Leonid Gavrilova looked at the data, she stated: This discovery suggested that there is no fixed limit on human life. ”
If you reconsider the hypothesis Survey later released in 2020Gavrilova found a similar pattern, but she also noticed a new phenomenon. After the age of 113, it accelerated much more rapidly than the young age. Whether it is due to something in the native of our biology, Gavrilova says it is too early to get a conclusion.
Today’s life
It brings us now. Thanks to the progress of medicine and technology, the average person can live longer. But edging the maximum age is slow, David SinclairProfessor of Genetime of Paul F. Glen Glen Aging Research Center of Harvard University School of Medicine.
Statistical research announced in 2021 I found that an individual could reach the age of 130 this century.
but, Neil BarutraiAlbert Einstein Medical School’s Aging Research Institute, the issue of life restriction is not a controversial problem. Simply put, it may seem to be restricted, but you don’t have to.
The gap between the average person’s death and the 100 -year breaking 100 years offers a ripe area for researchers to explore aging intervention.
“We will die on average before the age of 80,” says Barzai. “Whether this restriction can be broken in the future, it may not be so. We will probably be able to do it someday in the future -probably not my life. In you.
Factors that affect the lifespan
General advice on living longer Look at your lifestyle。
“You can optimize nutrition, sleep and social connections with all ages, exercise, and movement,” says Barzilai. “When we optimize it, they are really useful for aging processes.”
However, DNA may have somebody who lives on the average life of today for a long time.
“Our research has revealed that the strongest forecast factor of personal longevity is the life of the parents,” Gavrilova wrote.
Recent research has increased the fact that lifestyles seem to be less. 2017 survey in journal extreme In the first place, lifestyle is important for leading people to the elderly, but it turned out that there was no statistically significant difference in survival at extreme age.
According to Barzilai, about 60 % of the centerarian has a change in growth hormone gene, basically slow growth and can treat aging failures better.
read more: Adhd adults may have a shorter life than if the life is short.
Promise of longevity gene
Sinclair also functions in longevity genes, especially sustain, which controls human emoemome. The information stored in the epigenom is essential for maintaining the identity and function of cells. Determine a stog that switches on and off switching and guarantees that brain cells remain in brain cells, not skin cells.
Sinclair theories the theory that Epigenom can provide IN for scientists to intervene in the aging process for connection with physical function. Experiment with his lab mouseIt is published by cell In 2023, so far it has shown that it can promote aging by destroying epigenom, and can be restored by recovering information.
“Epigi -netic changes are reduced, and if the cells express the appropriate genes longer, they will live longer because they are healthier,” says Sync.
He still has a debate whether Epigenom is an important aging driver, and his efforts to reproduce the human results are still ongoing, but they can be an effective forecast factor in health.
Do you have the advantage of living long?
The most common questions of Synchrair and his researchers are not necessarily a way to achieve their longevity, but why bother.
It may be recognized that long -lived humans will only emit a limited number of resources, but Sync Rare improves the quality of life driven by increased life expects social productivity and happiness. I claim that it is important to enhance it.
It does not mean to deny the final arrival of death, but to increase the time we love. This has found the answer to this problem for Sync Rare.
read more: The average life expectancy is increasing in the United States, approaching the level before obstetrics.
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