In September 2023, Danny and Stephen Sanicki played a round of mini golf. The Sanicki’s are twins, both competitive golfers and up-and-coming content creators at the time, so of course they filmed the entire round. Danny edited the footage on his phone, recorded a quick commentary track, superimposed a scoreboard on top of the video, and posted the tournament as a six-part series. on his TikTok channel. Neither brother really expected anything to happen.
The video went viral. Since then, the Sanicki twins have posted daily tournaments, added new friends, and built a putt-putt empire on the web. They built a complex system of tournaments and points, began awarding prizes to winners, and began planning ways to make things even bigger.
above of this episode The Verge Castthe first of a two-part series we’re calling “How to Create the Future.” twin tour golf (They want to be known) and talk with Danny and Stephen about their experiences as creators. The process of deciding to go all in on mini golf, how we tried to expand our service without compromising what people like, how we divided our workflow, how we monetized across different channels, etc. talk about. Sanickis’ story is a classic creator’s journey, encountering many of the milestones and crossroads that come to anyone who wants to succeed on the internet.
If you would like to learn more about what we discuss in this episode, start with the links below.