July 4, 2018
This episode is for those who believe he is called to discover the Catholic apostolic, or for those who have already overseen it. Jeff Mirus may be known as the founder of Catholicculture.org.
In this first part of the two-part interview, he discusses his attempt to become a Catholic apologetic, as a young man who witnessed a serious crisis in the church. In the first few years of his career, he founded an interdisciplinary academic journal. Faith and reasons and co-founded Christon Tom College. These experiences taught him valuable lessons on the circumstance, practical and personal issues of running an institutional Catholic Apostles Association.
sigrid undset, Catherine of Siena
St. Augustine, Confession https://amzn.to/2u3pic6
Faith and reasons Archive https://media.christendom.edu/faith-reason/
Christendom College https://www.christendom.edu/
Jeff Mills interview
02:46 Jeff’s Catholic upbringing, sense of early appeal to apologise
7:32 Universities and first experiences engage and discuss secular culture
10:38 The crisis of the church, the recognition that normative approaches to faith ultimately fail without prayer and internal life
14:11 The desire to achieve academic qualifications so that they are not silenced by a cult of expertise.
17:18 Interesting encounter with the 60s revolution at Rutgers
24:11 Studying history at Princeton. A professor who wanted to explain medieval mysticism
28:32 Formative reading during graduate school: Sigrid undset’s
Catherine of SienaSt. Augustine ConfessionChristopher Dawson, defender of the Dominican pope
31:59 The beginning of the Leia Posture in the late 60s and early 70s, as the clergy became increasingly dishonest.
36:58 Jeff establishes an academic journal Faith and reasons 1975
38:57 Situational issues in the Church and practical issues funding academic journals
43:33 The importance of keeping faith in your audience
46:04 His first encounter with Warren H. Carroll led to the founding of Christendom in 1977. Status of American Catholic Universities in the mid-1970s
52:33 Practical Issues: Make sure that Catholic missions are not violated based on who in the corporate entities act (in this case addressing the issue of independent university committees))
58:51 Addressing disagreements among good people with a dogmatic character
1:02:22 Early Christian world debate about student life and what campus culture should look like
1:08:00 Responsibility in Christendom 1977-83: Members of another committee, apologies, history, and other subjects, edited and edited when another professor goes missing. Faith and reasonsRun Christendom Press and build a mailing list
1:11:23 The financial crisis at Christendom demanded that Jeff be a full-time fundraiser for two years, causing a personal crisis
1:13:57 Personal Problem: Rather than seeing yourself as a Catholic “machine” that can be freely equipped to be more advanced, but reliant on the Holy Spirit
1:16:20 Put your family first and start a family rosary as a way to increase discernment.
1:22:47 Departure from Christendom College. Decision to find a publisher called Trinity Communications
1:26:34 This week’s excerpt: Noam Chomsky