washington post: “Mr. Harris is running a campaign about three times the size of Mr. Trump’s, according to recent spending reports. She has spent $263 million between the end of the Democratic convention and October 4th. That’s nearly 2.5 times the $109 million spent by Trump.
“She has more staff, more volunteers, larger agency operations, more digital advertising, more sophisticated smartphone-based organizing programs, and more for corporate product launches and professional sports championships.” Harris’s drone light show recently flew over Philadelphia, with attendees at her gathering wearing glowing pop concert bracelets. Plans are also in the works to air an infomercial on broadcast networks in battleground states in late October.
“The scale of her economic advantage is greater than what President Trump faced in his last two White House elections. Combined with campaign and national party spending, Harris is ahead of Hillary Clinton at this point in 2016. – Joe Biden far outperformed Trump at this point in 2020 over Clinton, and Barack Obama outperformed his Republican opponent in both races for the White House. .”
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