As the presidential race enters its final spurt, aides and allies close to Vice President Kamala Harris are cautious about her chances of victory, saying the race is trending in her favor. “I’m becoming more optimistic,” he said. new york times I will report.
“Top Democratic strategists say the campaign’s efforts to paint former President Donald Trump as a fascist remain energized by massive operations in battleground states and the federal government’s repeal of abortion rights. Even some people close to Trump are trying to label him as a budding dictator who admires Hitler. We are concerned that this could potentially sway a meaningful number of persuasive voters.”
“Harris campaign officials and those with whom they have shared candid assessments believe that Harris remains strong in the northern “blue wall” states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and internal research shows that Harris has a slight lead in all three states, but only by 0.5 percentage points. ”
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