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President Trump is convinced that the fake businessman’s persona, which was shown on a reality program, was genuine, and is now trying to use leverage to get what he wants after returning to the White House.
Speaking of California President Trump wants the state to amend the voting method to receive disaster assistance on the wildfire.
President Trump said that California would introduce the voter ID law and restrict voting only on voting days. In addition, Trump imposed the wrong claim that California is waiting for water.
Governor Newsum refused to request President Trump in posting to X.
Conditional assistance for American people is wrong.
Facts: The current CA method has a CA resident and the American people (to prove that they are punished for perjury), and identification certificates such as driver’s license and passport approved by the Secretary of State. Must be presented. Please register for the voting. https://sos.ca.gov/elections/frequently-asked-questions
Facts: 15 states, including Nevada and Pennsylvania (the two states that President Trump won), usually do not usually require voters’ IDs.
Facts: California is currently pumping as much water as possible under the Policy before Trump. https://x.com/govpressOffice
In other words, California does not intend to negotiate with the president who is a disaster rescue terrorist who has an irrelevant demand that has nothing to do with the states affected by the wildfire.
California people pay the federal tax.
California is one of the states that gives more than the federal government.
It is good that President Trump will decide what to do with the disaster rescue fund, but it is good that the governor has decided not to allow the people to abandon democratic rights.
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