February 27, 2019
Tolkien’s brilliance as a world architect and storyteller is well established, but he learns how unique (and obsessive) his creative process is, or how he is a talented visual artist. Fewer people are doing it. That’s changing thanks to an unprecedented display of Tolkien’s personal items, manuscripts and artwork. Tolkien: Middle Earth ManufacturersIt is currently on display at the Morgan Library in Manhattan.
John McKillen, assistant curator at Morgan Library, and Hollie Ordway, author of future research. Tolkien’s Modern SourcesJoin me and discuss the exhibition. It sheds light on Tolkien’s use of visual arts and helps solidify his literary vision. -duddy) to enhance his creative expression, and to draw a range of fields, including clearly modern ones.
Tolkien: Middle Earth Manufacturers At Morgan (View selected images from the exhibition) https://www.themorgan.org/exhibitions/tolkien
Exhibition, Tolkien: Middle Earth Manufacturers By Katherine McIlwain
Holly Ordway http://www.hollyordway.com/
Scene Center for Thinking and Culture https://www.sheencenter.org/
Past Tolkien-related episodes
Episode 15: Online Education with Professor Tolkien – Cory Olsen https://www.catholicculture.org/podcast/index.cfm?id=15
Episode 16: A very specific Middle Earth Q&A with Professor Tolkien – Cory Olsen https://www.catholicculture.org/podcast/index.cfm?id=16
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