Meet GARIK HIMEBAUGH, the founder of eco-stylist.comA site that concentrates on promoting sustainable fashion selection. GARIK’s journey to the sustainable fashion world began with peace research and MBA background, and he discovered a social entrepreneur spirit as a graduate student. Eco -styleist 2018. Therefore, he uses a brand directory that meets the standards of ethical production and environmental responsibilities, and supports consumers to select sustainable fashion based on information, and the individual “dress like you. I encourage you. He was so kind to contribute to a recent article on Earth911 about how to build a sustainable wardrobe of your dream. How to fill some global souts in a synthetic garbage that can take decades or centuries for the potential to enter a potentially poisoned plastic by -product. Is pointing out. Galik has participated Sustainability of your ears Conversation Costume How to check the sustainable claims made by a company, how to reuse and up -cycle as a way to reduce the impact on the personal environment, and share his favorite fashion brands. Aderante,, Known on the outside,, Naadamand Patagonia。

Fast fashion is the earth and your wallet plague. Fast fashion is roughly responsible Nearly 20 % of the world’s carbon emissions and 20 % of waste production productionAccording to the World Economic Forum. World ResourceS Institute reports that only one cotton shirt is produced. 713 Gallon water -It’s enough water to meet the needs of drinking for more than two years. But hey, you get a $ 10 shirt instead. The first fashion industry is very destructive Written by a US government accounting firm In December 2024, the country needed efforts to reduce fiber waste and promote recycling. But we can wear clothes for success and planet. GARIK explains that he praises his “responsibility for clothes” by creating organic and sustainable materials, providing repairs and take -out programs, and providing durable products that can last long. I am doing it. You can learn more about sustainable fashion and buy a selection of Galik’s curated clothes。
Please see the earlier Earth911 interview about sustainable fashion