From the moment he was greeted with chants of “Don’t quit” and throughout his speech, Detroit was hugely supportive of Joe Biden.
Don’t quit, the slogan:
The Detroit crowd’s chants of “Don’t stop” were more important than many people realised.
— Sarah Rees Jones (@PoliticusSarah) July 13, 2024
The crowd in Detroit wasn’t people who needed reassurance about Joe Biden. The crowd was there to reassure Democrats about Joe Biden.
Biden’s speech was perhaps the most powerful of the entire campaign, but so too was the audience, which was made up not of anxious white Democrats in Washington but of the voters who are the heart, soul and backbone of the Democratic Party.
They weren’t there to boost Joe Biden’s morale or give him any love.
The message was being sent that if Democrats tried to take away their candidate, the candidate they voted for, they would be in big trouble.
These people voted for Joe Biden, they still believe in Joe Biden, and no one is going to be able to throw Joe Biden out of this election against his will.
The people of Detroit didn’t come to see Joe Biden because they needed to be convinced of anything.
Thousands of Detroit residents came out to support Joe Biden when he needed them most.
The “don’t quit” message hit home with nervous white Democrats.