Current Challenges and Preliminary Morphological Reevaluation 1877 Chinese Genus Charilus Simon (Scorpion: Chaeliridae)
Genus Chaelirus Simon of China in 1877 has been previously revised based on morphological morphology derived from available literature and newly investigated specimens. The robustness of several commonly applied species-level diagnostic criteria is assessed. Ten species are tentatively recognized for China, including one new form. Chaerilus herta sp. n. , is described by nine women, 40 men, and two boys and women collected in Medag County. The current study uncovers and solves some of the most basic problems in Chinese taxonomy. Chaelirus. Further molecular investigation is guaranteed until certain species of topoipes become available.
Tang, V. 2025. A preliminary morphological reassessment of current tasks and genera Chaelirus Simon, 1877, China (Scorpion: Chaeliridae). EuscorpiusNo. 406:1-89.