New deals to start the new year: Offered by Coursera $200 discount on annual subscription plan called “Coursera Plus”. Normally priced at $399, Coursera Plus (Now available for $199) Access 90% of Coursera’s courses, guided projects, specializations, and professional certificates. All of this is taught by top instructors from major universities and companies (Yale, Duke, Google, Facebook, etc.). The $199 annual fee, which translates to approximately 55 cents per day, is available in 2025 for anyone interested in learning a new subject or skill, or earning a certificate they can add to their resume. It could be a good investment for you. Just like Netflix’s streaming service gives you access to unlimited movies, Coursera Plus gives you access to unlimited courses and certificates. It’s basically an all you can eat deal.
you can try Coursera Plus 14 days, and if it doesn’t work out for you, you can get your money back. explore offer here. Expires January 27, 2025in just a few days.
Note:Open Culture has a partnership with Coursera. If our readers are enrolled in certain Coursera courses and programs, they help support open culture.