October 6, 2020
Watch on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ve9oqQpCrI
Jeremy McClellan is a Catholic stand-up comedian, but oddly enough he’s from Pakistan. He joins the show to discuss the woke takeover of comedy, the nihilistic dogma of many comedians, the relationship between comedy and suffering, and the ethics of the word “retarded.” Thomas describes his past experience doing open mics and Jeremy gives him some advice.
[1:07] “Do your children belong to church?”
[3:24] A woke comedy takeover. contrarianism and nihilism. comedy and truth
[11:18] Comedian’s motto: Anything goes to get a laugh
[17:35] Jeremy and Thomas compare notes at open mic
[24:08] The comic must draw the audience into his world
[27:26] Jeremy’s conversion to Catholicism and his relationship with his large Muslim audience
[36:03] The best joke Jeremy ever heard
[40:17] Ethics of the word “retarded”
[48:13] comedy and trauma. Processing pain through humor
[51:42] The dangers of equating one’s own sins and pathologies
Jeremy McClellan’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/underthefigtree
Online Great Books opens a new registration period on October 13th. Get 25% off your first 3 months when you join the waitlist using this referral link. https://hj424.isrefer.com/go/ogbmemberships/tmirus/
Scott Hambrick in Episode 27 and Online Great Books https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/episode-27-always-wanted-to-study-great-books-heres-how-youll-actually-follow-through-scott-hambrick/
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