Astronomer discovered two planets around two different stars succumbing to the intense heat of the stars. Both collapse in front of our telescope, leaving traces of fragments as comets. Both are super short period planets (USPS) that quickly go around the stars.
These planets are rare USPS subclasses that are not enough to maintain materials. Astronomers know only the other three collapsed planets.
The USP is known for its very fast orbit, and some people complete the track in just a few hours. Because they are very close to the stars, they are exposed to intense heat, star radiation, and gravity.
Many USPS are attractive to the stars and turn the stars into inferno. USPS rarely exceeds two global radius. Astronomers believe that there is about one star like the sun. They have just been discovered recently and are spreading the boundaries of the understanding of the planetary system.
There are many unexplored questions about USPS. Their formation mechanism is unknown, but they may have moved to their position, not formed there. They are difficult to observe because they are close to the stars, and it is difficult to ask questions about their structure.
Fortunately, two researchers have found two collapsed USPs. While they are spilling the content in the tail space, they give the astronomers to see what they are in themselves.
The new observation results are in two new papers available on the PriPress site One is “A planet with many rocks that collapse rocks with a remarkable comet -like tail around the bright stars.“The main author is Marc Hon, a postdoc researcher in Mit Tess Science Office. This paper is called MIT research.
“We report the discovery of BD+054868AB. This is 1. It is an extra-system planet that passes around the bright K-Dwarf for 27 days,” says the author. The Tess spacecraft discovered a planet, and the observation results were “revealed the depth and asymmetric transport profile of various transportation.”
These are the characteristics of dust coming from the planet of destiny and the characteristics of forming tails. One is at the tip, the other is at the rear end. The particle size of the dust of each tail is different, the first trail contains large dust, and the rear tail contains fine particles.
“The speed at which the planet is evaporating is quite intense, and I’m very lucky to witness the last time of this dead planet.”
“The collapsed planet going around BD+05 4868 A has the most prominent dust tail ever,” said Hon. “The dust tail emitted from a rapid evaporated planet is huge. It is about 9 million km long, surrounded by half of the tracks of the planet around the stars every 30 and a half hours.” He added.
MIT studies indicate that the planet has lost mass in the ratio of 10 bills per billion years. Objects are probably almost only the size of the earth, so they are completely destroyed in just millions of years.
“The speed of the planet is quite intense, and it’s very lucky to witness the last time of this dead planet,” said Hong.

The star of the host is probably a little older than the sun, and there are red dwarfs of about 130 au. The author believes that the planet is an excellent candidate for JWST’s follow -up research. The stars are not only bright, but the transit is deep. Transit can last up to 15 hours due to lead and trail tail.
“The brightness of the host star is combined with the relatively deep passing (0.8? 2.0 %) of the planet, and the main survey of the planetary nature of the planet that evaporates BD+054868AB of rocky planets. We will present as a target, “they explain.
“BD+05 4868 AB’s very exciting thing is that there is the brightest host star from other collapsed planets, 100 times brighter than K2-22. He is a person and co -author of the MIT dissertation.
“Before our research, the other three known collapsed planets were around a faint star and tried to study,” he added.
The second paper is “Collapsed rocks wrapped in dust and gas: IR observation in K2-22B using JWST.“The main author is Nick Tusai, a doctor of Pennsylvania, is a planet and works in a center for a living world. This paper is called Pennsylvanian research in the future.
“The drainage that is sublimated from the surface and condensed in space probably represents the previous internal layer, which was probably convectional on the molten surface,” wrote.
In this work, astronomers could observe the debris with JWST millimeters and other telescopes. The observation results indicate that the material coming from the USP is not a core material dominated by iron. Instead, the author explains that they are probably consistent with some form of silicate minerals from mantle materials.
“These planets are literally spilled their internal organs in space for us. With Jwst, there is finally a way to see what is a planet that study their composition and go around other stars. there is”
The waves of the earthquake and other observations are quite good at scientists about the inside of the earth, but cannot be seen inside the planet of our solar system. By examining the extension coming from the K2-22B, astronomers are learning not only planets, but also other rocky planets. Ironically, they are far away.
“In the K2-22B, the dusty drain clouds of the planet can be seen in front of the stars, indicating evidence of tail growth like a comet, so there is an asymmetric transport profile.”
“It’s a surprisingly accidental opportunity
Understand the interior of the land and life planet. “Professor Jason Light, astronomy and astronomical physics, Pennsylvania
“It is surprising that it is very difficult to measure the inside of the planet of the solar system directly. The sampling of the earth’s mantle is limited and cannot be accessed to mercury, Venus, or Mars sampling, but here. The planet has found hundreds of light, Jason Wright, an astronomical and astronomical professor of TUSAY, a co -author of Pennsylvania.
“Understanding the interior of the land spyers is an amazing opportunity,” he added.
Tess found a planet to collapse in the previous paper, but Kepler found it during the extended K2 mission. This goes around the M-Dwarf star in just 9.1 hours. The evidence of the tail lies in the variable of light rays. “The dramatic fluctuation of LightCurve transport depth (0 to 1.3 %) combined with asymmetric transport shapes is observing a temporary cloud of dust that has been sublimated from the invisible planet. MIT’s paper suggests.
According to the author, this may be the first time to have seen gasization from an evaporated planet. “The shorter millimeter wavelength characteristics may configure the first direct observation of gas characteristics from evaporating planets,” said the paper.
“Unexpectedly, the most suitable model for these measurements looks like an ice -derived species (No and CO2),” says the author. The spectrum is almost the same as the rocky body, but the existence of No and CO2 is a little curve ball. These materials are not rock -filled planets, but similar to ice -like body.
“It was actually like” Who ordered? ” TUSAY talked about finding ice -like features. For this reason, researchers want to point to Jwst again on the planet to get more good data. Multiple routes can generate these results, helping you to determine what the astronomers are happening.
In the early days of observing such planets, scientists still have some expectations. Many people are expected to find only the debris of these USP iron scores, so these results are against these expectations.
“We didn’t know what to expect,” said Wright. He also co -authored earlier research on how to prove these outside planet tails using JWST. “We were hoping that they might still have mantles or evaporated crustal materials. JWST’s middle infrared divisions millimlers are crust and silicate. The light is the best way to check the mantle and iron core materials.
Next, both scientists want to point out JWST in BD+05 4868 AB from MIT research. The star is much brighter than other stars, known to host the collapsed USPS. The bright light source makes it much easier for JWST to get more powerful results.
“BD+05 4868 AB has the brightest host star from other collapsed planets, 100 times brighter than K2-22 Rch He is a researcher and co -author of the MIT project.
“Before our research, the other three known collapsed planets were around a faint star and tried to study,” he added.
When JWST was released, it was not to observe the collapsed planet. However, this study shows a new way to use powerful telescopes. Such surprises are part of all new telescopes and observation efforts, and researchers often look forward to them.
“The data quality obtained from BD+05 4868 A is exquisite,” said SHPORER. “These studies have proved the validity of this approach to understand the interior during the development and opened the door to a completely new research line with JWST.”
This article was originally published Today’s universe。 Please read Original article。