According to Wipro’s executive chairman Richad Premji, whether or not the introduction of artificial intelligence succeeds not only fostering human resources but also re -education of labor.
“The appearance of any technology also creates a chance at the Davos Conference, but the meaning is limited if the technology itself is not used effectively.” In Wipro, the company has developed AI by nurturing powerful “thinking, tool set, skills” centered on AI, “operate more appropriately, manage more appropriately, provide more appropriate, and provide more appropriately. I was able to change the situation.
Premji emphasized the possibility of the transformation of the generated AI and explained that it is an exciting development that can solve the problem in an innovative method. However, he emphasized that “success and hiring are closely linked to the issues of re -education as a company, industry, and country.”
Premji emphasized the importance of re -education of workers who could no longer have a role in the AI ​​-led world. He stated that “the re -education of skills and the AI ​​issues must be closely linked,” and added that it should continue to focus on developing context -specific and domain -specific use cases for customers.
He said that Wipro has already been training on more than 50,000 employees as part of a wide range of efforts to integrate AI into its business. He pointed out that the opportunity to solve customer issues from the perspective of technology services using AI is immeasurable.