These deodorants are OK
Copari performance and deodorant 19: This deodorant smells like a coconut like a beach like a flower. I think it’s a feminine that is more fresh than sweet and is unisex. It was transparent and smooth, and my clothes did not pollute at all. However, unlike some other brands I tried, it did not last long through training without re -applying. I think it’s okay, but it’s not a “performance deodorant.” If you’re looking for a clear formula and don’t care about re -applying, it’s worth a shot.
Inhalation deodorant for $ 18 fats: My relationship with this deodorant is as complicated as my relationship with my hair. Sometimes I don’t shave it for months. Sometimes I shave it every day. This deodorant contains ingredients such as the bark of the willagi (to prevent dyeing hair) and the niacinamide (to brighten the armpit). Both worked very well. However, it did not do a big job to prevent odor throughout the day, and the smell was very green, simple, and I did not agree with my body chemistry. However, it may really appeal to some people -Online reviewers seem to love or dislike it, so we recommend that you smell it at the store before purchasing.
Curley clean deodorant (2 packs) $ 28: This formula smells good when applied first, but disappears immediately after one or two hours. It also polluted my clothes more than some other I tried. During my second use, it caused some stimulation, so I stopped it. Compared to other kinds of natural deodorants, I didn’t notice that I was more or less sweaty. But it’s great for the brand Detox mask It is useful for the transition period when switching to a natural deodorant. In the future guide, it will be more noticeable.
A deodorant that does not contain pigeon aluminum $ 11: Most of the pigeon deodorants are OK, and I like how affordable it is. However, the texture is really smooth, and even after drying, the armpit is strangely sticky. Fragrance is neither powerful nor a long period of time to my personal taste. All of them have a powdery undertone that I was not a fan. During the test, I noticed BO in the middle of the day. This is very subjective, so the mileage may differ. The package was closed with tape, and the tape left the sticky residue outside of my deodorant.
Lume whole body deodorant (3 packs) $ 40: This expensive deodorant smelled bad for me. A mint cucumber that smells like a pool chlorine and hand washing, received an invisible cream formula. I refused to put it on my body. I also received a clean tangelin smooth solid formula, but at first it was a little excellent, but there was still a strange hand soap element. It left a white mark on my whole clothes and smelled like a cheese once painted. I washed it off and completed my test. Readers, I love you, but I don’t intend to smell cheese all day just to see if the smell changes like magic a few hours later. KAT Merck, the editor of the senior commerce, also tried a cream that had invisible lavender sage, but she reminded me of the laundry that remains in the washing machine overnight. place. Lume has a lot of fans on the Internet, so I repeat it, but this may be something that can be driven to a personal taste. We recommend that you smell the store before purchasing.