It takes a little time to determine if there is a chance of reusing an empty flute loop box, butter tub, or soda bottle first before throwing it into a recycle bin.
Pantry staples and takeout orders bring a lot of disposable items, but some are surprisingly versatile and worth putting aside for other duties.
To spark inspiration for reusing food packaging, we share more than dozens of our favorite ideas. They are all very simple and we acknowledge. Some are definitely for birds (literally means that).
Pan tag

- Book these heavy-duty plastic workholes and rub dry bits from dishes, sinks, oven doors, sneakers, walls and other surfaces. You will specify a place for them (probably a recycled butter tub) so you are ready to roll if necessary. We must be happy with your manuscript.
- Fix a broken flip-flop. A variety of online sources recommend using Pantag for quick repairs. Placed at the bottom of the flip-flop, the pantag locks the piece between the toes in place, preventing tears from slipping out of the sole. If you’re a flip-flop enthusiast, it would be wise to throw some pantags into your beach bag, wallet, or car for a pinch fix. read Directions.
Onion bag

- Reuse your onion, orange or lemon mesh bags as something like “home depots” for backyard birds foraging for nesting material that normally occurs in the spring. Zack Slavin of National Audubon Association He provided me with this wildlife friendly idea. The netsack is loaded with suitable natural items such as twigs, stems, and pine needles. Layer it on a small bowl of mud, dry grass, or pet hair, if necessary. It will be easier for birds to pull some of the bits of the plant from the opening or pick them. Tie the bag to a tree branch and birds browse the selection and will be rewarded with front row seats at a live show.
- Leftover fragments produce nets for washing dishes, lawn furniture, floors, toys and other things that require scrubs.
rubber band

- Stockpiling rubber bands from bunched produce and takeout packages. If you’re a regular at Whole Foods Salad Bars, we’re sure your supply of Erasix will be impressive. Reach out for one before trying to cover the pickles or spaghetti sauce perfectly. Stretch the rubber band around the lid of the jar to make it easier to grip and open. There’s no need to bother your muscles tied friends.
Aluminum Bowl
- The aluminum take-out bowl is lightweight and perfect for road trips in the park or portable pet dishes in the afternoon. I especially like the lid of the Chipotle oval burrito bowl.
- We also use these aluminum ellipses for DIY frosty dog treats. Throw mashed bananas, pet safe peanut butter, kibble, or any healthy ingredients you want. Add water, freeze the solids and eat it for your dog unimaginable. Safety Note: Use with the supervisor and remove the bowl once your furry friend is finished to prevent him from nibbling on the aluminum.
Egg carton
- Use built-in dividers to organize items such as screws, beads, and Lego bricks. For other ideas, read the feature “Uses 6 egg cells in egg cartons.”
Wine cokes

- Daniel Bayes of the American Humane Society (HSUS) packs a bit of clean corks and kibbles for fun cat foraging activities, including Morrissey, Monroe and Music. “Some people dig in with their feet, but they just shove their heads into corks that are mostly shaking for apples,” explains Bayes. However, if you use recyclability that cannot be used as a PET toy, be sure to remove it only if you have supervised, supervised and deleted your pet, if your pet is not monitoring it to prevent pits or swallowing. “I don’t want to give my pets anything that could be a risk of choking, or that could entangle them, or that could be harmful to their ingestion,” says Vicki Stevens of HSUS. “If you’re in doubt, ask your vet.”
- If it’s crafty, convert the cork into items such as wine glass charms, gems, bulletin boards and more. Ideas and instructions can be found in our article, “Cheers: 8 Ways to Reuse Wine Corks.”
Milk jugs, water bottles, sour cream containers, etc.
- Empty as a temporary pot to activate seeds or eradicate grapes. Make sure to wash away any residue and plunge the drain hole at the bottom. National Horticultural Association (NGA). Bonus Recycling Tips: Use plastic tools in takeout packages as plant markers for green baby plants, especially if you are sharing them at plant exchange events. Information about the roots of cuttings can be found in NGA Website.
Paper box and bag

- Cut the cereal box and cracker box into blank canvas for youth crayon masterpieces. Bonus Environment Tips: Display artwork on Windows. Incorporate Decals and other visual elements It helps to prevent birds from accidentally flying over the window.
- Design gift tags with square, oval or free-form shapes sliced from empty food boxes. Decorate your tags as simply or elaborately as you do. Instead of store-bought tags, the DIY version is simple, eco-friendly, refreshing and unique.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on January 13th, 2017 and updated in March 2025.