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The video caused Prytherech’s pain and anxiety, and letting her contact the police. Prosecutor Dian Williams said the video was regarded as “vulgar or severe.” Explaining one of the clips, she said, “She starts passing gas by putting the camera at the bottom and giving gas.” Over the days, Evans sends multiple similar videos, indicating that they are smiling at the camera while passing through the wind.
Evans’s lawyer Harriet Ghost believed that the incident was due to the progress between Evans’s partner and Priterek. Golst said, “When she sent these videos, she said she had some drinks and she sent them. She sent them with malice.” The prosecutor said Williams, “It states that it was purely malicious. She noticed that it was overall and cheerful, but the victim was not.”
In a statement of the victim’s influence, Priselek has expressed his desire for “feeling safe in my house.” The court ordered Evans to pay 100 pounds compensation to Priterek, ordering a 199 pound court. She has to complete 15 rehabilitation sessions and refrain from alcohol for two months. Furthermore, Evans cannot contact pryotherech with two years of control order.