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X-Files There are some of the most quoted lines in TV history. Therefore, countless fans love phrases such as “the truth is there” and “I want to believe”. In fact, there are so many wonderful lines, so it’s too easy to overlook what may be the most important line. In the Episode of Season 1, the fans’ favorite character deep throat states that “lies are the most persuasive between the two truths,” and writer Glen Morgan fuses the actual facts. He said that it represents the entire creative process of the writer. With the great fiction of the show trademark.
Complete X-Files quote

Obviously a catchy line, but if you haven’t seen this episode for many years (or at all), you may need some context. “EBE” is an episode in which MULDER and Sculy are investigating UFOs down to Iraqi’s fighter jet, and are being helped by Deep Throat, a mysterious government information provider of MULDER. Molder finally mixes fake photos with real Intel (Iraqi pilot transcript) and admits that “Lies, Molder is the most persuasive between the two truths.” I’m wondering why.
“EBE” was written by fans’ favorite X-Files The writer Glen Morgan and James Won, and they thought the deep throat lines were the key to the whole story. Morgan has forgotten his own dialogue a little, later wrote, “The whole is the most hidden that lies are hidden between the two truths.” We all worked to reach it. “
Why was this line very important for these? X-Files The writer, Morgan, later pointed out that it basically explained the creative process of the show. Many of the episodes of the show are at least some kind of real, even a show runner read by the writer, producer, or even a show runner, which was read by a legitimate scientific magazine or other authoritative textbooks. It was based on an eerie phenomenon. Of course, the show adds their own fictional elements to the mix, but everything was more persuasive.
How the quote affects the series

The example of the episode following this formula includes the Jersey Devil. This was built in 1909 from a popular urban legend to return to a strange creature witness account intertwined with citizens and police officers (trying to shoot it). New jersey. Meanwhile, the comedy episode “Humbug” was inspired by the Seattle Gym Rose Circus Side Show. This is the charm lent by a part of the 1991 performers to appear in the episode. And the scary, controversial episode, Home, was based on the Word family, a real group of Siracus brothers, who was associated with incest and murder in his family.
For each episode X-Files Of course, Twist … The real circus side show did not have a murderous monster on the body. The actual Word brothers did not live with the eerie patriarch, or were not fighting local and government law execution agencies. But the real details of these episodes (and more) have helped to make these eerie stories a compelling and persuasive thing. “The lie is the most convincing of the two truths,” it turned out that the deep throat might have been a scriptwriter. perfection Advice to those who are writing their genre show.