Not everyone on August 1, 1981 can use VCR freely, and not everyone is happening until midnight. Fortunately, at least one person did it to fasten the first two hours of the new cable channel, MTV: Music Television. Did they know it is historic? MTV certainly wanted to do so. They identified the premiere of the video version of Radio with the Moon Landing, which is open 24 hours a day. Those who were born from this time may be wondering why the statue of the MTV Music Video Award was praising Buzz Aldin. But at that time it made sense. “Women and gentlemen, rock and roll.” That was a statement. Within 30 years after the first rock and roll single, the music of this genre won. And across the planet, the next stop: space.
It is appropriate to choose the executive as the first selection “The Buggles” as “the video killed the radio star.” Visuals are now linked not only for music assistance. Either MTV actually caused a visual 10 -year plan, or actually caused it. Music videos and short films have existed since the invention of the sound of a movie theater, but MTV was brought to Americans because of the slowdown in the television industry and the growth of cables in 1972 * It was a video. channel.
After Pat Benatar’s video, VJS is a self -introduction -Mark Goodman, Nina Blackwood, JJ Jackson, Alan Hunter, Martha Quinn (all quickly become a general name and crash) – Straight to block: school binder, Superman IIAnd Dolby noise reduction. Certainly, a strange advertiser group. Goodman blindly returns to ask, “Are they not the best?” Goodman doesn’t know what’s going ahead.
Yes, the first day of MTV was pretty rough. In fact, it is like a DJ, and it appears in the gig to find that they have left most of their records throughout the town. In the first two hours, there are two songs: two rod stewart songs, two plitenders, two split ends, another pad bencher video, two, and concert movies for Campus people. In addition, we have a completely ambiguous video: PH.D. “Little Suzy is up,” Robin Lane and Chart Busters “When things go wrong,” Michael Johnson says “Blue the Blue.” This is from D -List. It’s no wonder that MTV was premiered at midnight.
From these humble beginnings, the channel will immediately find a groove, and will be ubiquitous in the United States two years later.
People predicted the end of the MTV from the beginning. It’s a trendy, or it runs out of the video to play. Forty years later, the channel converted himself into oblivion. And music videos are still being created, but the first 20 years have no effect on the viewer’s generation. In paraphrasing a bug, we’ve seen the playback, but it seems long ago.
Note: The previous version of this post was published on our site in 2021.
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TED MILLS is an art freelance writer.