SCORPION FAUNA is abundant in dry, semi -dry climate, and is exposed to the risk of enlightenment, especially for children. The enlightenment of the scorpion causes thousands of death each year, with a remarkable rate in the Mena region, South America, Latin, Central America, and India. Morocco is one of the most affected countries. According to the statistics of Morocco’s poisoning and the statistics of the Pharmacy Center (CAPM), about 8,565 scorpions and enlightenment were recorded mainly among children every year. A literature review was conducted to identify Morocco’s unique rustling species to be a catalog, and investigate the impact of climate change on the distribution. The source of the information included articles in scientific magazines, university papers, and field reports. The collected data was compiled and analyzed, and a perfect distribution map was created. Our results have identified Morocco’s 55 endemic species and subspecies. The buttaceae is most widespread, with 17 endemic species of Butofus, nine species of Androconus, 5 of the genus Vuthades, four ortholus, two two orthotus, hottententta, and two two genus. And one species of Microbuthus, Cicileiurus, and Saharobuthus, respectively. The Scorpionidae family contains nine species and two subspecies belonging to the SCORPIO. High levels of its unique species in the southern part of Morocco emphasizes a considerable concentration of these species in the area. Continuous climate change can increase the number of scorpion population and distribution and enlightenment. The results emphasize the importance of implementing control and preventive strategies to reduce the risk of enlightenment, especially in the context of climate change. Therefore, developing management and preventive strategies improves the safety of vulnerable groups based on the species distribution and the perfect understanding of its habitat.